Survivor of Online Child Sexual Exploitation Files Groundbreaking Lawsuit Against YouTube and Ex-Youtubers “Onision” and “Kai” — The Haba Law Firm, P.A.

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Survivor of Online Child Sexual Exploitation Files Groundbreaking Lawsuit Against YouTube and Ex-Youtubers “Onision” and “Kai”

YouTube partnership program enabled DISGRACED youtubers, onision and kai, to prey on children   

ORLANDO, FL [Press Release] (February 8, 2023) –The Marsh Law Firm and The Haba Law Firm have jointly filed a federal lawsuit against YouTube, James Jackson (“Onision”), and Lucas Jackson (“Kai”), on behalf of Regina Alonso. Onision and his spouse openly groomed and exploited Regina when she was a child.

Google and YouTube enabled predators Onision and Lainey/Kai to openly target and groom Regina with all their fans watching. Filed today in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, this case Regina Alonso v. Google LLC, et. al., marks Regina’s first step in her pursuit of civil justice. 

“YouTube Partners, such as Onision, acted with impunity and even worse, YouTube contributed to and profited from the enticement, grooming, and exploitation of children while promoting known predator and YouTube partner, Onision,” said Lisa Haba, a partner at The Haba Law Firm.

 “Onision and Kai illustrate how unmonitored online predators get away with sex trafficking ventures. As a society, we cannot stand by and ignore the predators targeting our children from a few clicks away,” said Margaret Mabie, Partner at The Marsh Law Firm.

Despite numerous complaints about Onision, YouTube did nothing and continued to promote his deeply harmful online and offline behavior.

“YouTube could have prevented all of this harm, but it inexplicably racked up revenue and provided a sanctuary for Onision to lure, identify and recruit vulnerable children for grooming and ultimately, exploitation,” said Haba.

“We hope that Regina receives the justice she deserves and that this lawsuit will pave the way for other survivors to begin the healing process too.” Mabie said.

"This is yet another example of the Tech Giants facilitating and activating the sexual abuse of minors. This has to stop," said Jennifer Freeman, senior counsel to The Marsh Law Firm.

Click here to review a copy of the Complaint.

Lisa Haba